Mumbai honours Shri. Chandrashekhara palettadiji, the editor of KARNATAKA MALLA DAILY !

Shri. Chandrashekara palettadi felicitation committee and The Kannada division of the Mumbai University jointly sponsored the program on 13th March, 2017, at 4 p.m. Prior to the main Program, varieties of Cultural events  were conducted.

Compere  :  Shri. Ashok pakkala.

Venue :  Radhabai T.Bhandari  Auditorium, Bantara bhavana, Kurla (E)Mumbai. 

The Palettadi family were present in the Auditorium before 2 pm. and witnessed all the childrens' competion programs. 

A Documentary was displayed on The Life of Shri. Chandarshekhara palettadiji

Shri. Palettadi's elder brother.

The Mysore Association, Mumbai, sent  her  best wishes to Shri. Chandashekar palettadi family through Shri. Ganapati  Shankaralingaji. Shri. Shankaralingaji  was honoured by the organising committee.


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