'Navaratri Sharada pooja', at The Mysore Association, Mumbai !

On 18th, Sunday, October, 2015, 'Saraswati puja' was arranged at the 'The Mysore Association, Matunga, Mumbai-19'. Pooja started at 4-30 pm.  Association's  President, Smt. Kamala kantharaj, was present, among other senior members.  After pooja, 'Chukki Rangoli  demonstration exhibition' was organised at short notice. This Competition was meant  for all the children and elders as well ! Later on the terrace of MA, 'Dandiya dance program' was arranged. Finally, 'Priti Bhojan' was served.

The main entrance of The Mysore Association Hall !  Now, the painting work for the outer walls are being carried out...

                       'Sharada mata Arathi', is being  performed by the Shastriji

                                       Lady members chanting Lalitha Sahasranama
Section of  the Audience. Mostly women came in large numbers. Smt.Lakshmi sitaram, is observing the pooja function.
Our Association's very active children. (Arohi and Avarohi)
                    Dandiya is being performed, while some lady members are eagerly watching.
Dandiya dance is in full swing !
                     These two sisters are together while playing Dandiya as well.
                            Smt. Saroja venkatesh, and her friend are playing Dandiya

'Chikki Rangoli exhibition demonstration' :

Link : https://plus.google.com/photos/117225798684059542608/albums/6207522186573737409


Small children displayed exceptional talent in every sphere, say, Chukki Rangoli drawing, singing, dancing and in several other talent competitions.

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