The Mysore Association Mumbai & Rangayana, Mysore, organised Kannada drama festival !

Two dramas were : 1. Shikari, 16th, June 2018, Sat, at 6 pm Yashawant Chittal's novel. Dramatisation & Direction : Prakash Belawadi. 2. Chirebandi wade, on 17th, June, 2018, Sun. at 7 p.m. Original writer in Marathi : Mahesh Elkunchwar. Kannada translation : Maruti Shaanbhag. Direction : Pramila Bengre Dr. B. R. Manjunath, noted Actor, Writer, and Director of Mumbai, formally introduced the Director of the drama. Shri. Yashwant chital & Shri. Belawadi 2nd day, 17th, Sunday, June, 2018. Drama : ' Chirebandi Wade'. Original Marathi play By : Mahesh Elkunchwar, Kannada translation by : Maruthi Shaanbhag. Director : Pramila Bengre. Courtesy : Rohan Bantwal, Daiji world.